Key Dates: Phase I announcement will be open to receive statements of interest continuously until 12 noon Central Time (CT), 16 August 2024, at which point all statements of interest must be received. If invited to Phase II, full proposal applications will be due at 12 noon Central Time (CT), 16 September 2024.
Estimated Award Ceiling: $500,000
Estimated Total Program Funding: $3,000,000 ($1.5M/award)
I. Program Description
A. Short Description of Funding Opportunity
US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) seeks a systematic, repeatable and scalable approach to predict and provide early identification of riverine HABs.
B. Background
Aquatic nuisance species, including harmful algae, impact freshwater lakes and rivers, infrastructure, operations, and associated resources across the nation. HABs have resulted in recreational closures, public health concerns, and billions of dollars in economic impacts. HABs are increasing in frequency and duration, resulting in environmental, socioeconomic, human and ecological health concerns. Cost-effective and scalable technologies for early HAB detection, prediction, and management are needed to reduce HAB frequency and severity.
Riverine HABs, in particular, can span hundreds of miles, last for weeks, and cause significant damages. Prediction and early identification of riverine HABs is critical to enable effective response and management actions.
C. Program Description/Objective: (brief description of the anticipated work)
This project will establish an interdisciplinary collaboration between USACE and recipient(s) to accomplish numbered objectives below. Successful proposals will also (a) clearly identify question(s) the proposed project will seek to answer (i.e., project technical objectives); (b) clearly describe the tasks and data required to answer those question(s) (i.e., data quality objectives); and (c) describe envisioned project deliverables by task and by year. Proposals that demonstrate intent to maximize use of existing federal and state HAB programs, activities, and data are encouraged. Successful proposals will identify quantitative and qualitative success criteria for each project task.
This project will accomplish the following.
- Research supported by this program must be scalable and transferable to other systems. Therefore, please identify primary and secondary riverine systems for this project. The primary riverine system will be the focus – why was this riverine system selected as the primary? The secondary riverine system will be used to provide context for interpreting the approach and results obtained for the primary system. For example, are the insights and results obtained for the primary system applicable to the secondary system? What features and considerations need to be accounted for in applying the approach to other systems? We strongly encourage engagement with tribal, federal, state, and/or local partners who have expert knowledge pertaining to the primary and secondary riverine systems and HABs in all key phases of project planning, execution, and in preparation of final deliverables. Please identify stakeholders and partners that would be engaged during the course of the project in your pre-proposal.
- Develop a systematic approach for early HAB detection. This systematic approach should consider monitoring methods, spatial distribution of the monitoring network, quantitative framework required to interpret monitoring results (ideally in real-time), and considering uncertainties and information needed to effectively communicate outcomes to the public. Note that near-term monitoring data such as from the field, in situ sensors or remote sensing (real-time or hours to days after occurrence) are aligned with early warning of what is happening (or has just happened), whereas models are predictions of what could happen. Both early warning capabilities and early warning coupled with prediction capabilities are of interest. Please take care to address early warning and prediction activities distinctly in pre-proposal.
- Demonstrate the systematic approach for early HAB detection identified in item 2 at field scale; involves gathering new data and making maximal use of existing federal and state data. Do demonstration results suggest areas or time where prevention activities could reduce the intensity or scale of the bloom? Please note any such useful observations or ideas that emerge from the demonstration and feature them in section of report.
- Complete a draft and final study report summarizing outcome of item 3. Include section identifying applications of the framework should the demonstration identify areas where actions could reduce HAB severity or intensity. HAB prevention is not the primary objective of this call; however, should demonstration of the prediction and early identification approach suggest areas where preventative actions could be helpful, please document this in report.
- Prepare final framework for prediction and early identification of riverine HABs; final framework incorporates final case study identified in item 4. Data and results obtained are presented for the primary riverine system; transferability and considerations required to apply the framework to the secondary system are provided as well. Includes complementary data publication so that end-users can easily access data generated by this project; data collected during project must be uploaded to water quality portal (
D. Public Benefit
HABs are occurring with greater frequency in lakes and rivers across the nation, resulting in public health concerns and billions of dollars in economic impacts. The proposed applied research will create a systematic approach water managers can utilize to predict and identify riverine HABs early. Outcomes will also document how the approach can inform areas where preventative treatments or other actions have potential to reduce the scale or intensity of bloom events.
E. Authorization: 10 USC 4001
F. Legal Requirements
Each Cooperative Agreement awarded under this announcement will be governed by 2 CFR 200, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards”, 2 CFR 1100 Subchapter D—Administrative Requirements Terms and Conditions for Cost-Type Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Nonprofit and Governmental Entities and the DoD research general terms and conditions located at
G. Program-Specific Requirements
A fact sheet, quarterly progress reports, draft and final case study reports with associated electronic files, and a presentation at the yearly In-Progress Review are required.
II. Federal Award Information
The following information applies to awards issued under this announcement:
- This is a one-time initiative
- The Government anticipates up to 2 Federal awards from this announcement, but reserves the right to award more or less
- The total amount of funding expected to be awarded through this announcement is per Federal award for YR1
- The expected total award amount per Federal award is $1,500,000 for an anticipated period of performance of 3 years, with optional $500,000 awards in YR2 and YR3.
- Award(s) from this announcement will be Cooperative Agreement(s)
- The anticipated period of performance is up to three years
- Applications for renewal or supplementation of existing projects are eligible to compete with applications for new Federal awards
- The government reserves the right to accept only portions of an application and to negotiate with potential awardees
- Government’s substantial involvement includes 1) collaboration with ERDC researchers on protocol development, 2) collaboration to identify riverine systems, 3) assistance with field work and gathering of data, 4) project coordination, as needed, and 5) assistance with broad-scale public distribution of publications.
III. Eligibility Information
A. Eligible Applicants
This opportunity is restricted to non-federal partners of the Southern Appalachian Mountains and the Piedmont-South Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units (CESUs).
Disclosures of current and pending support made in this application may render an applicant ineligible for funding. Prior to award and throughout the period of performance, ERDC may continue to request updated continuing and pending support information, which will be reviewed and may result in discontinuation of funding.
Religious organizations are entitled to compete on equal footing with secular organizations for Federal financial assistance as described in E.O. 13798, “Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty.”
B. Cost Sharing or Matching
This action will be 100% funded by USACE.
C. Conflict of Interest
- General Requirement for Disclosure
You and your organization must disclose any potential or actual scientific or nonscientific conflict of interest(s) to us. You must also disclose any potential or actual conflict(s) of interest for any identified sub recipient you include in your application. We may have to ask you more questions if we need more information.
At our discretion, we may ask you for a conflict-of-interest mitigation plan after you submit your application. Your plan is subject to our approval. - Scientific Conflict of Interest
Scientific collaborations on research and development projects are generally the result of close collaboration prior to the submission of applications for support. Accordingly, these collaborations should be considered when considering potential conflicts of interest. The potential conflict is mitigated by the disclosure of these collaborations, and the list of current and pending support you provide for senior and key researchers. Therefore, you must include in your list of current and pending support all collaborators, even if they did not formally provide support.
D. Other
- Licensure or Certification
You must include the Acknowledgment of Support and Disclaimer on all materials created or produced under our awards. This language may be found in the Terms and Conditions included in the award documents.
E. Certifications, representations, and assurances
- To apply for grants and other funding opportunities the applicant entity must have an active registration in the System for Award Management (SAM). Applications will not be accepted through or other methods unless the entity is registered in SAM. Registration in SAM now includes the acceptance of Certifications and Assurances. See for details on how to register in SAM, and
- The Federal Assistance Certifications Report is an attestation that the entity will abide by the requirements of the various laws and regulations; therefore, as applicable, you are still required to submit any documentation, including the SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if award value exceeds $100,000.00), and, if applicable, informing DoD of unpaid delinquent tax liability or a felony conviction under any Federal law.
- Certification Regarding Disclosure of Funding Sources. By checking “I Agree” on the SF 424 (R&R) block 17 you agree to abide by the following statement: “By signing this application, I certify the proposing entity is in compliance with Section 223(a) of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 which requires that: (a) the PI and other key personnel certify that the current and pending support provided on the proposal is current, accurate and complete; (B) agree to update such disclosure at the request of the agency prior to the award of support and at any subsequent time the agency determines appropriate during the term of the award; and (c) the PI and other key personnel have been made aware of the requirements under Section 223(a)(1) of this Act. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. code, Title 218, Section 1001).”
IV. Application and Submission Information (2 Phase Process)
A. Phase I: Submission of Statement of Interest (SOI)
Please provide the following via e-mail attachment to: Kisha M. Craig,, (Maximum length: 2 pages, single-spaced 12 pt. font).
- Name, Organization and Contact Information
- Brief Statement of Qualifications (including):
- Biographical Sketch,
- Relevant past projects and clients with brief descriptions of these projects,
- Staff, faculty or students available to work on this project and their areas of expertise,
- Any brief description of capabilities to successfully complete the project you may wish to add (e.g. equipment, laboratory facilities, greenhouse facilities, field facilities, etc.).
- Note: A proposed budget is NOT requested at this time.
- The administrative point of contact is Kisha M. Craig,
- ERDC will only accept SOIs submitted on or before 16 August 2024, 12 noon Central Time (CT).
Based on a review of the Statements of Interest received, an investigator or investigators will be invited to move to Phase II which is to prepare a full study proposal. Statements will be evaluated based on the investigator’s specific experience and capabilities in areas related to the study requirements.
B. Phase II (if invited): Submission of Full Application Package
The complete funding opportunity announcement, application forms, and instructions are available for download at
The administrative point of contact is Kisha M. Craig,
All mandatory forms and any applicable optional forms must be completed in accordance with the instructions on the forms and the additional instructions below.
- SF 424 R&R – Application for Federal Assistance
- Full Technical Proposal – Discussion of the nature and scope of the research and technical approach. Additional information on prior work in this area, descriptions of available equipment, data and facilities, and resumes of personnel who will be participating in this effort should also be included.
- Cost Proposal/Budget – Clear, concise, and accurate cost proposals reflect the offeror’s financial plan for accomplishing the effort contained in the technical proposal. As part of its cost proposal, the offeror shall submit a full budget in sufficient detail so that a reasonableness determination can be made. A recommended template will be included in the invitation to Phase II. The SF 424 Research & Related Budget Form can be used as a guide but is required if the sub-recipient uses it. The cost breakdown should include the following, if applicable:
- All mandatory forms and any applicable optional forms must be completed in accordance with the instructions on the forms and the additional instructions below.
- Direct Labor: Direct labor should be detailed by level of effort (i.e. numbers of hours, etc.) of each labor category and the applicable labor rate. The source of labor rates shall be identified and verified. If rates are estimated, please provide the historical based used and clearly identify all escalation applied to derive the proposed rates.
- Fringe Benefit Rates: The source of fringe benefit rate shall be identified and verified.
- Travel: Travel costs must include a purpose and breakdown per trip to include destination, number of travelers, and duration.
- Materials/Equipment: List all material/equipment items by type and kind with associated costs and advise if the costs are based on vendor quotes and/or engineering estimates; provide copies of vendor quotes and/or catalog pricing data.
- Subrecipient costs: Submit all subrecipient proposals and analyses. Provide the method of selection used to determine the subrecipient.
- Tuition: Provide details and verification for any tuition amounts proposed.
- Indirect Costs: Currently the negotiated indirect rate for awards through the CESU is 17.5%.
- Any other proposed costs: The source should be identified and verified.
- R&R Senior/Key Person Profile
- Biographical Sketch
- Disclosure of Current and Pending Support:
- A list of all current projects the individual is working on, in addition to any future support the individual has applied to receive, regardless of the source.
- Title and objectives of the other research projects.
- The percentage per year to be devoted to the other projects.
- The total amount of support the individual is receiving in connection to each of the other research projects or will receive if other applications are awarded.
- Name and address of the agencies and/or other parties supporting the other research projects.
- Period of performance for the other research projects.
- SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if award value exceeds $100,000.00)
- Data Management Plan:
A data management plan is a document that describes which data generated through the course of the proposed research will be shared and preserved, how it will be done, or explains why data sharing or preservation is not possible or scientifically appropriate, or why the costs of sharing or preservation are incommensurate with the value of doing so. See also: DoD Instruction 3200.12.
Data management plans are generally 2 pages in length, and must include the following considerations:
- The types of data, software, and other materials to be produced.
- How the data will be acquired.
- Time and location of data acquisition, if scientifically pertinent.
- How the data will be processed.
- The file formats and the naming conventions that will be used.
- A description of the quality assurance and quality control measures during collection, analysis, and processing.
- A description of dataset origin when existing data resources are used.
- A description of the standards to be used for data and metadata format and content.
- Appropriate timeframe for preservation.
- The plan may consider the balance between the relative value of data preservation and other factors such as the associated cost and administrative burden. The plan will provide a justification for such decisions.
ERDC will only accept full application packages submitted on or before 16 September 2024, 12 noon Central Time (CT).
Submission Instructions
Choose ONE of the following submission methods:
- E-mail:
Format all documents to print on Letter (8 ½ x 11”) paper. E-mail proposal to Kisha M. Craig, -
Applicants are not required to submit proposals through However, if applications are submitted via the internet, applicants are responsible for ensuring that their proposal submission is received in its entirety.
All applicants choosing to use to submit proposals must be registered and have and account with It may take up to three weeks to complete registration. For more information on registration, go to
Organizations must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and active System for Award Management (SAM) registration to apply for Federal financial assistance.
C. Application Withdrawal:
An applicant may withdraw an application at any time before award by written notice via email. Notice of withdrawal shall be sent to the agency point of contact identified in this announcement, and are effective upon receipt.
D. Funding Restrictions
Per 2 CFR § 200.216, funds may not be used to procure telecommunications equipment or video surveillance services or equipment produced by
- Huawei Technologies Company,
- ZTE Corporation Hytera Communications Corporation,
- Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company,
- Dahua Technology Company
- any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities
Funds from an award may not be used to attain fee or profit.
V. Application Review Information
A. Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated using the following criteria, listed in descending order of importance:
- Technical merits of the proposed research and development
B. Review and Selection Process:
Each application will be reviewed based on the selection criteria above rather than against other applications submitted under this Announcement.
Based on the Peer or Scientific Review, proposals will be categorized as Selectable or Not Selectable (see definitions below). The selection of the source for award will be based on the Peer or Scientific Review, as well as importance to agency programs and funding availability.
- Selectable: Proposals are recommended for acceptance if sufficient funding is available.
- Not Selectable: Even if sufficient funding existed, the proposal should not be funded.
Note: The Government reserves the right to award some, all, or none of proposals. When the Government elects to award only a part of a proposal, the selected part may be categorized as Selectable, though the proposal as a whole may not merit such a categorization.
In addition to the technical/program review, the DoD performs a budget review and a risk review as directed by 2 CFR 200.206, including a review of the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS). Applicants may review information in FAPIIS and comment on any information entered into that system. Comments made by applicants will be taken into account in addition to other information in considering applicants’ integrity, business ethics, and record of performance.
VI. Federal Award Administration Information
The notification e-mail regarding a selection is not authorization to commit or expend DoD funds. A DoD grants officer is the only person authorized to obligate and approve the use of federal funds. This authorization is in the form of a signed Notice of Award. Applicants whose applications are recommended will be contacted by a DoD grants officer to discuss any additional information required for award. This may include representations and certifications, revised budgets or budget explanations, or other information as applicable to the proposed award. The award start date will be determined at this time.
VII. Reporting Requirements
The terms and conditions of the award will provide the specifics on how to submit the reports and any required sections for those reports.
In accordance with 2 CFR 200.328 (Financial Reporting) and 2 CFR 200.329 (Program Performance)
Report | Requirements/Form | Frequency | Means of Submission |
ERDC Progress Report | none | Upon submittal of SF270 | |
Research Performance Progress Reports (Interim and Final) | OMB Control Number: 0704-0527 | Annually | |
Financial Report | SF 425 | Quarterly | |
Payment Report | SF 270 | Monthly | |
Closeout Report | Once |
Awardees will need to comply with the reporting requirements in 2 CFR 170: Reporting Subaward and Executive Compensation Information.
The terms and conditions of the award will provide the specifics on how to submit the reports and any required sections for those reports.
VIII. Federal Contacts
Questions should be directed to:
Kisha M. Craig
Grants Specialist
Timothy D. Black
Grants Officer
Questions regarding should be directed to: the toll-free number 1-800-518-4726 and email at
IX. Other Information
The Federal government is not obligated to make any Federal award as a result of the announcement. Only grants officers can bind the Federal government to the expenditure of fund.
Applicants are advised to monitor for potential amendments to this Notice of Funding Opportunity. You can also elect to be automatically notified by whenever there is a change to the opportunity.
Applications must not include any information that has been identified as classified national security information under authorities established in Executive Order 12958, Classified National Security Information.